Summer Fresh Corn + Zucchini Chowder

Never in my life did I think I would have a little corn patch in my backyard but when you marry a farmer, that’s what you get and I LOVE it. It’s been so fun to pull a couple ears from out back and add it as a side for dinner or in a dish. For this dinner, I attempted to use as many things that Grant has grown into one recipe. The result was so good.

I found this recipe for Summer Fresh Corn and Zucchini Chowder on Little Broken and it’s definitely going to be a make again. The recipe itself is super easy and quick for a soup. The only thing that took awhile was chopping everything up. I pre-chopped everything at the beginning which made the recipe that much easier.




From the garden we used zucchini, potatoes, garlic, yellow onion and sweet corn. After harvesting a couple crates full of garlic, potatoes and onions, we use them throughout the year so we don’t have to buy any from the store. Thankfully this year we have a place to store them besides underneath the guest bedroom. Who doesn’t love to have a crate full of onions under their bed?


To go with the chowder, I made us some grilled cheese using my favorite bread ever, Dave’s Killer Bread- 21 Grains and Whole Seeds. And of course, a glass of half sweetened tea that I like to brew up and keep loaded in our fridge. Keeps me away from chick fil a.

xoxo cw.png